First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon, Endorses Happy to Translate
15th January 2016
Glasgow, 15thJanuary 2016: First Minister Nicola Sturgeon met with Rohini Sharma Joshi at her constituency office in Govanhill to discuss Trust Housing Association's Happy to Translate mobile app. The innovative app assists organisations when communicating with those whose first language isn't English. Ms Sturgeon said: 'I'm very pleased to support this project and I think it can make a real difference overcoming barriers to communication. It's important that people are able to access information and services they are entitled to. Improving communciation will not only benefit service users, it will help service providers as well and result in a better experience for all.'
Ms Sturgeon represents an area of Glasgow city which has a rich tapestry of ethnic communities from diverse cultural backgrounds, speaking a multitude of languages. Ms Sturgeon told Rohini, who is Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Manager for Trust and Manager of Happy to Translate, that there were up to fifty languages spoken in her constitutency's local primary schools alone.
After the visit, Rohini said: 'It was pleasure meeting with Nicola Sturgeon again, not in her role as First Minister, but as the public representative of her constituents, many of whom struggle with English, particularly when faced with complex issues. It's clear by Ms Sturgeon's response to Happy to Translate, that she and her staff are committed to equality and are willing to go the extra mile to ensure all members of her constituency feel they are valued and included in Scottish society.'